Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Who Am I?

My Future: 

To be honest, there isn't much that I can say indefinitely for my future. For the time being, I am perfectly content with that. I have said in different posts on this blog that I know I want a family, a career in fashion and to remain close with my family. If that is all I know of my future for now, that is fine. As of today, I am confident in who I am, in the relationships in my life and satisfied where I am at professionally. I am hoping to make the most of my senior year of college and have no regrets along the way! 

Whenever I see an image of Ayers, I am reminded of all the great people who have attended this school before me. I am privileged to go here and I know leaving this place after 4 years will have made me grow exponentially and more than I ever thought was possible. 

Who Am I?

My Inspiration:

I feel that everyone has to have a motivating factor behind everything that they do in life. You go to class because you want to learn more, you go to work because you enjoy it (or maybe you just need the money), etc. For me my family, goals and personal life inspire me to stay on track in my everyday life. 
My family is a very close-knit group of people, and I hope that we always stay that way. Both my parents and my older sister are all very successful in what they do. Therefore, they make me want to achieve my goals and excel in whatever I choose to do. 
My personal goals are lofty and they make me get out of bed in the morning and try my hardest no matter what I am doing. I want to have a family, be able to support them and send them all to good schools because my parents enabled me to do that. If I want to make this a reality I have to be sure I am making the most of my time in school and at work. 
Lastly, my personal life is what brings me a lot of joy in my life. Whether that is spending time with my family, friends or boyfriend; all those things lift me up and make me want to be a better person. I definitely feel that, "you are who you're with" is a valid statement and I try to only surround myself with positive and encouraging people. These people constantly remind me to strive to be the best version of myself and spending time with them inspires me to emulate traits that they display in their lives. 

This is my siblings and I all enjoying a vacation in our favorite city, Chicago. 

My boyfriend, Ben, and I at a Tom Petty concert, one of my absolute favorite artists. 

Who Am I?

My Experience:

For someone my age, I would say I have a decent amount of work experience for the field that I intend to end up in someday. I have always been passionate about clothes and making people look and feel good, so I have always geared what I applied for towards that. 2 of my best jobs have been working at J. Crew and now working at Lizard Thicket. J. Crew was the first job I ever truly enjoyed, it taught me professionalism, organization and how to deal with customers as if they were your friends and you truly cared about them. Now, I work for a smaller company called Lizard Thicket where I am the store merchandiser as well as a shift-lead. I have learned how to lead a team towards a goal, what it feels like to move up within a company, how and why things are placed in a certain way within a store and so much more! I intend to work at Lizard Thicket post-graduation and hopefully continue to move up within the company, seeing as it is still a growing business. 
All the experience that I have had within retail has just further proven to me that this is the field that I want to go into. I don't have any concrete plans for my life thus far, but I know I want those plans to involve having a family and helping women feel good about themselves and their appearance. 

A typical J. Crew location, they have a very preppy and structured style that was interesting for me to work with but not exactly how I am used to dressing. 

All Lizard Thicket locations have their own flare to them. I like how the company is set in its morals and company goals but it allows for wiggle room when it comes to layouts and visuals. 

Who Am I?

My Past:

Personally, I feel that my life until now has been very interesting. Starting when I was born in Anaheim, California; being born across the country is always a fun story to tell. I have moved 11 times since then and just about all of them have been to different states. This is a result of my dad being a professional hockey player for 17 years. While that has made it difficult in the boy department (boys are generally intimidated by a 6'6 pro-hockey player)... I have been able to experience a lot, such as: making new friends quickly, adapting to new surroundings and experiencing different cultures in each place I have lived. 
I call Brentwood, TN my home because this is where my family now resides and where I attended a school for the longest. While attending high school in Brentwood, I was a competitive dancer, worked a few different retail jobs and very involved in the drama department at my high school! I am appreciative of moving so much because it has made me a stronger and more outgoing person in the long run! 

My competitive dance team going into my senior year nationals competition!

My dad doing what he did best, back in the day...

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Who Am I?

My Family:

My family is one of the biggest blessings in my life and they constantly make me want to be a great person and live for something bigger. My parents, Pam and Stu, even though have recently been divorced, did an amazing job raising my siblings. I have 2 sisters Erin and Jayne, and a brother Kristjan. Erin just recently got married to my now brother-in-law Phillip. I had an unforgettable childhood growing up with my siblings, however now we are all in different places. Erin and I live in Knoxville, but I am in school. Jayne still lives at home and Kristjan is in college in Chattanooga. Despite all of our different circumstances, we have remained extremely close and visit each other whenever possible.

Erin and her husband Phillip

Kristjan and Jayne 

Who Am I? 

The Basics:

My name is Hannah Kristine Grimson, I was born in Anaheim, California on November 1st, 1993. I am 21 years old and I consider my hometown Brentwood, TN. I have 3 siblings; 2 sisters and a brother. I am currently studying Marketing with a minor in Human Resources at The University of Tennessee. These are just the basic, boring facts about me. However, the different pages in this blog will go deeper and show what makes up the person I am today and the person I hope to be in the future. Enjoy!